Two decades later, the events of September 11, 2001, are still shaping life in the United States.
More than 1 billion people worldwide have gained access to electricity in the past decade.
Memes are more powerful than many people realize. What should you know before you pass them on?
An amazing group of Americans is on a mission to make the world a better place: your generation.
Drone technology is helping hurricane hunters predict the paths of some of nature’s most severe storms.
Two experts weigh in on the pros and cons of putting warning labels on sugary drinks.
A political cartoonist comments on the U.S. donating millions of Covid-19 vaccine doses to other countries.
Dogs are being trained to use their keen sense of smell to detect Covid-19 and other diseases.
Archaeologists have unearthed the largest ancient city ever found in Egypt.
Scientists have found that pigs are not only intelligent, they’re also good at video games.
Forty years ago, Sandra Day O’Connor became the first woman to join the U.S. Supreme Court.