A school that combines skateboarding and education is giving kids in the war-torn nation of Afghanistan hope for a brighter future.

Get wise to some of the ways food and beverage companies are trying to turn you into a customer for life.
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A heroic effort saved the lives of thousands of Jewish children in the years before the Holocaust.
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Find out what’s involved in being the U.S. president—one of the most powerful positions in the world.
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Scientists studying climate change in Earth’s northernmost region say its impact will be felt worldwide.
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Consider the pros and cons of requiring a dress code for remote learning, then decide!
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Lesson Plan (1)

A political cartoonist comments on the state of the nation following the presidential election.
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Many scientists are worried by the recent sale of a huge Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton.
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A cash-strapped town in Washington State has come up with an unusual solution to the problem.
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This year marks the 90th anniversary of the start of one of the nation’s greatest environmental disasters.
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Paramedics in the U.K. are trying a bold new way of getting to emergencies in hard-to-reach locations.
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This ranger protects a national park in an unexpected place—under the waters off California’s Pacific coast.
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