The number of American teens who are unhoused and on their own is growing. Find out why, and how you can help.

Atomic bombs decimated Japan 80 years ago. The survivors want to ensure that the world doesn’t forget.
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A puzzling artifact was pulled from the sea in 1901. Experts have been trying to unlock its secrets ever since.

A sneaky business strategy is saving companies money—at your expense. What can you do about it?
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Consider the pros and cons of schools making gym classes mandatory, then decide.

Can you figure out the story behind this photo from an important period in American history?

A newly discovered burial chamber may reveal more about the ancient hand-carved city of Petra, Jordan.

Stacey Park Milbern will be the first Korean American on U.S. currency.

Wild animals need their space—and a new Instagram filter aims to help preserve it for them.

The world’s tallest mountain is getting even taller every year.