Hudson Rowan has been drawing since he was old enough to hold a crayon. Now the teen from Marbletown, New York, has made his mark—with an unforgettable “I Voted” sticker design.
Election officials in Hudson’s county held a voting sticker contest this past summer. Many of the entries featured traditional patriotic designs. But Hudson had a different vision: a vibrant, spiderlike creature with a big head, bulging red eyes, messy hair, and robotic legs. “I didn’t want to make it what other people thought it should be,” he says. “I wanted to make it my style.”
Hudson’s entry stood out. It became a viral sensation and ultimately racked up more than 228,000 votes out of 243,000 cast. On Election Day, voters in his county will be given his winning “I Voted” sticker.
“It’s amazing that people are going to be walking around wearing my art,” he says.
Election officials hope the buzz will boost voter turnout. And Hudson is excited that his sticker could encourage people to care about the election. “I hope it gets kids enthusiastic,” he says.