Extended droughts. More-severe storms and wildfires. Record heat waves. Many scientists say climate change is increasing the risk of these extreme weather events. And although the effects of climate change are already being felt around the planet, experts warn that the situation will only get worse in the future, especially if no action is taken now.

This cartoon shows some conditions that contribute to climate change. At the center, an adult is protesting the situation. He holds a sign calling for someone to do something. But the girl standing next to him seems to expect him to do more.

The cartoon uses irony. That is a technique that uses words or images to convey the opposite of their usual meaningfor example, by pointing out the difference between what people say and what they actually do. The cartoonist wants you to consider this: Is raising awareness about a problem enough?

Or do people have a duty to take more action? Study the cartoon, then answer the questions.

—Brooke Ross

1. What is the setting? How does the man’s sign help you understand the setting?

2. What does the girl mean when she says she is looking atsomeone”? How is that an example of irony?

3. How would you sum up the cartoon’s message? Do you agree? Why or why not?