Illustration of different colorful shapes


Common Core: RH.6-8.1, RH.6-8.2, RH.6-8.5, RH.6-8.7, WHST.6-8.4, RI.6-8.1, RI.6-8.2, RI.6-8.5, RI.6-8.7, W.6-8.4, SL.6-8.1

NCSS: Culture • Individual Development and Identity • Science, Technology, and Society


C’mon, Get Happy!

Can doing five simple things each day make you a whole lot happier all the time? Two willing teens took our challenge to find out

Real talk: The past year and a half has been rough. After 5 zillion (yes, that’s the official number) hours of Zoom school and wearing masks so long we’ve forgotten what our chins look like, we could all use a major pick-me-up.

The good news is that experts who study the science of happiness say increasing your joy is simpler than you might think. While it’s easy to assume that it takes a massive life change to seriously improve your mood, adopting even small happiness-boosting habits can actually pay off big-time.

Sound too good to be true? To put this idea to the test, we recruited two teens who said they’d love a little more joy in their lives and challenged them to try five expert-recommended happiness habits daily for two weeks. What were these habits, and did they make our subjects happier? Read on to find out!


Emmanuella Agyemang, 17 
12th grade, New York, NY

Courtesy the Agyemang family; background images by Jim Stoten

I want to take the happiness challenge because: “With school and meetings that make me feel tired (and sometimes grumpy!), I need help getting back in touch with myself.”

Daniel Espinoza, 16 
11th grade, Rockville, MD

Courtesy the Espinoza family; background images by Jim Stoten

I want to take the happiness challenge because: “Last school year, I didn’t get to spend a lot of time with other people outside of Zoom class, and it really affected my mood.”

CHALLENGE 1: Make Your Bed Each Morning

Why It Works: “The way you start your day really matters,” says Marline Francois-Madden, a therapist who works with teenagers. “If you get up and make your bed first thing, you’ve helped organize your space.” 

Making your bed not only tidies up your room, it can also help give you a feeling of productivity, all in about the same amount of time it takes you to brush your teeth (which, we might add, is another very important thing to remember to do each morning!).

How They Did: 
Emmanuella made her bed every day of the challenge. “I didn’t think this habit would have a big impact on my mood. But now I don’t feel complete unless my bed is made.”

Daniel successfully made his bed 12 out of 14 days. “At first it felt really weird to make my bed in . . . I can’t remember how long. But it felt great crossing something off my list first thing each morning.”

How to Do It: Smooth your bottom sheet. Pull up your top sheet. Lay your comforter over both. Fluff your pillow. You’re done!

Illustrations by Albert Tercero

CHALLENGE 2: List at Least Three Things You’re Grateful For

Why It Works: “Expressing gratitude creates what I call an upward spiral,” says Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., who has studied gratitude in high school students for a book about happiness. Teens who express gratitude eat more healthily, feel more motivated at school, and experience more happiness. And, in turn, all of that gives them even more things to be grateful for, she explains. 

How They Did:
Emmanuella found 37 reasons to feel gratitude during the challenge, including “my family, vanilla-scented perfume, my glasses, pizza, clean water, a pretty tree, soft pillows, virtual movie night with friends, a bite of food after being hungry. I never knew I had so much to be grateful for each day.”

Daniel came up with 21 reasons to be grateful, including “Zoom, my calculator, my parents, my learner’s permit, my soccer team, Covid vaccines, good weather, an internet connection, sunsets, and my friends.” He reports that he’s “learning to appreciate basic things like health and sunshine!”

How to Do It: Grab some paper or open the Notes app on your phone. Did you just eat something delicious? Did someone do you a favor? Did you see or do something that made you smile? If so, jot it down! And don’t forget to review your gratitude list before you go to bed every night.  

Illustrations by Albert Tercero

CHALLENGE 3: Give Someone a Compliment

Why It Works: Praising others makes them feel good and strengthens your bond. Plus, research shows giving compliments triggers a release of oxytocin, a hormone that makes you feel good. 

How They Did:
Emmanuella gave 14 compliments. “I’m normally shy, so it was hard at first. But I complimented my friend on his dog, my teacher on her hat, and my mother on a dress she made. They all appreciated the compliments. Then I gave myself a compliment. I appreciated it!”

Daniel gave 14 compliments. “I complimented my mom’s lasagna. She was really happy, even though she already knew it was amazing. Even when people know they’ve done a good job, they’re always happy when you point it out.”

How to Do It: Be sincere and specific, so the person knows you mean it. Instead of telling your dad he looks nice, say his haircut looks sharp. Better yet, compliment something other than appearances—your best friend’s laugh or your mom’s singing.

CHALLENGE 4: Get 10 Minutes of Physical Activity

Why It Works: When you move your body, your brain produces endorphins, chemicals that can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Exercise also helps you sleep at night, experts say, so you wake up feeling rested instead of groggy and grouchy. 

How They Did:
Emmanuella’s favorite activity was dancing. “I haven’t had the chance to be active lately—mostly, I’m sitting in front of a screen. But I danced most days for the challenge! Some days I danced for longer than the 10 minutes just because it brought me so much joy.”

Daniel added new activities to his routine. “I’m already really active because I’m on the track team and two soccer teams. But I went for a bike ride with a friend, which was a nice way to hang out after months of only seeing each other on Zoom.”

How to do it: “Even if it’s just going for a walk or bike ride, being active should be a part of your daily life,” says Stephanie Savo, a therapist who specializes in anxiety disorders. Other great options include doing yoga in your room (check out TikTok for poses), shooting hoops, or jumping rope.

Courtesy the family

Daniel on a bike ride

CHALLENGE 5: Do Something You Love

Why It Works: Studies have shown that when people are immersed in activities with no payoff other than the pleasure that they provide—in other words, hobbies—their heart rates go down and their stress levels decrease. That makes them feel calmer and, yes, happier.

How They Did:
Emmanuella watched movies, styled her hair, and wrote poetry. “I wrote some poetry, and it felt so good to channel my creativity. I also love to do my hair. Even though it’s time-consuming, it feels really good to take care of myself.” 

Daniel worked on his art, practiced driving, and baked. “I baked some blueberry muffins for my family. Baking makes me feel relaxed—and also hungry! I was desperate for the muffins to come out of the oven. Luckily, they were delicious.”

How to Do It: This one should be a no-brainer, but it can actually be hard to take the time to do something with no goal beyond bringing some joy into your life. Schedule a date with yourself each day to do something fun: doodle, skate, read a comic book, snuggle with your dog. It all counts!

Illustrations by Albert Tercero

14 DAYS LATER. . .

Illustrations by Albert Tercero

EMMANUELLA: “The challenge helped me realize that there is so much more to life than schoolwork. My favorite habits were doing things I love, making my bed, and complimenting people. After two weeks, these activities felt essential to my day. I plan to continue doing them from now on.”

DANIEL: “Whether it was complimenting a teammate or seeing my mom happy about the fact that I was making my bed, my days started improving once I noticed that other people’s days were improving as well. I did hate making my bed at first, but even that got easier. I hope I can continue doing all of the habits.”

More Happiness Hacks

Can’t get enough mood-boosting habits? Try these:

Courtesy of the family

Emmanuella feeling joyful

• LAUGH: Watch a funny video or search for “dad jokes” online. Laughter releases chemicals in your brain that reduce stress and improve your mood.

• MEDITATE: Clearing your mind for five minutes a day can help you feel more content. Not sure where to start? Try the free Insight Timer app.

• GET OUTSIDE: Studies show that spending time in nature—even if it’s just sitting under a tree at the park—can help ward off negative feelings.

• VOLUNTEER: Giving back (think senior center or food pantry) provides mood-boosting benefits and the joy of knowing you’re helping others.

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Skills Sheets (4)
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Lesson Plan (2)