Prereading Quiz: Your Guide to the Supreme Court

Before you read “Your Guide to the Supreme Court,” take this five-question quiz to find out how much you already know.


The U.S. Supreme Court is part of which branch of government?

The Supreme Court heads the judicial branch of the U.S. government.


How many justices serve on the Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court is made up of nine justices. (One is the chief justice, and eight are associate justices.)


Who is the current chief justice of the Supreme Court?

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. leads the Court.


True or False: Supreme Court justices serve six-year terms.

Supreme Court justices don’t have term limits, so they usually stay on the bench until they retire or die.


Which document explains a Supreme Court decision and sets the standard for the country?

A justice on the majority side writes the majority opinion, which explains the decision and sets the standard for the country.
